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❤️ JYOTISH LIBRARY - February ❤️
HOW WE LEARN JYOTISH - JyotiSa Fundamentals Course
Starting Jyotish (01) (12:48)
About Grahas (02) (20:55)
Benefics vs. Malefics (03) (12:48)
The Signs (04) (8:10)
Types of Chart styles (05) (7:18)
Lordship of planets (06) (20:26)
How we Learn Bhāva (7) (121:11)
Bhāva Karaka (8) (121:38)
Welcome to the Beginner's Q&A Forum
What are the best time intervals for your goal setting, and how to see this from a horoscope?
2nd H is maraka, and 2nd H is sustainer.. how is it?
Which combinations point towards anger, and which do not?
Can you help me understand Kemadruma yoga?
I have three planets in my navamsa in MKS...
What worries me the most are Sun and Ketu's Marana Karaka Sthana positions...
Both Sun & Moon are MKS in D9 (Navamsha chart)
Q&A session on praised Sattva planets in the 9th and 12th house, and how come many great masters do not have them?
Mental Health series Q&A
I am worried about my Sun Atmakaraka in Manasa nakshatra
Q&A on running a dasha of a planet debilitated in the D9 chart
What about my chances for being a Jyotisha?
How do we analyse a horoscope for twins with different Ascendants versus when they share the same Ascendant?
Why do we say that the Moon should be alone in a Muhurta chart, and does it apply to natal charts as well?
Question on Nakshatra & their Guna
What is the solution to this Venus problem?
I have Atmakaraka severely afflicted in 9th House - What is the Remedy?
Is parivartana yoga between quadrants and trians always considered good?
The question is on the topic of Varachakra and Arudha Lagna
Can I wear Saturn's gems on the middle finger of my left hand? (8:56)
Astrologer suggests gemstones should be charged. Is this true or propaganda? (8:39)
Venus and Sun conjuntion, dental issues? (4:32)
Question on Karyesha (3:09)
Does Atma Karaka as lord of 12 from itself always indicate an elevated soul? (2:46)
What’s the difference between the 12th house from Lagna and the 12th house from the Moon? (2:50)
For a person born on Shukla Pratipad Tithi, which dates would be auspicious to start to do important work to bring that to fruition? (6:27)
My question is regarding Dasha... (17:43)
What are the effects of Rudra Yoga and how is it formed in the chart? (7:13)
Question on Pradhana Karakas (9:54)
Understanding Malefic Terminology in Astrology: Sickle, Hammer, Gada, and Scissor (11:02)
Weight issues, remedies and tips!! (11:41)
Question about Mangal & Ketu in the D9 Chart
Where to find remedies for various doshas like astangata, MKS and others
How can we compute in which chakra is the AK placed in?
When Navamsa Venus is in the sign of... (13:24)
Question on Karaka in the female horoscope (4:12)
A question about the Bhava yoga
Question on Marana Karaka Sthana (MKS) and its remedy (4:39)
Question on Saturn's Amrita Drishti (4:53)
How to decide on Ishta Devata mantra? (17:04)
LIVE Q&A Session with Visti (September 8th) (134:22)
My question is about Dagdha Rasi - how it happens, its effect on bhavas, the lords of the rasi, possible remedies, etc. (10:24)
Question on Varshaphala (9:50)
Question on Karaka, Lord and Karaka Bhava (7:30)
How can one improve their bhagya (fortune) if the 9th lord is weak? (2:33)
What exactly does it mean when we say that planets in swakshetra or vargottama give the blessings of the tattva devata? (8:32)
If lord of Tithi, Vara and Karana are same then planet is in tattva conflict.... (5:55)
MKS Question 1
MKS Question 2
MKS Question 3
NEW!! MKS Question 4
NEW!! Sade Sati is seen from the Moon sign, but in my case, I noticed its impact when Saturn was ...
Who are kāraka for different types of performers?
MUHURTA COURSE & Case studies
Lesson 1 + Quiz: How to get the most out of your time
Lesson 2. Muhurta means a moment
Lesson 3. Nothing is above Kāla
Lesson 4. Travel Muhurta, Part 1
Lesson 5: Travel Muhurta, Part 2
Lesson 6: Find your answer
Lesson 7: Adjustments & Details
Lesson 8: Thoughts on sunset
Lesson 9: Travel muhurta case study (1)
Lesson 10: Travel muhurta - case study (2)
Lesson 11: Travel muhurta - Test Your Knowledge
Lesson 12: Travel muhurta - Test Your Knowledge + Answers
Lesson 13: Travel Muhurta Quiz
Lesson 14: Travel Muhurta Quiz Answeres
Lesson 15: Travel Muhurta - case study
Lesson 16: Travel Muhurta - case study
Lesson 17: Travel Muhurta - case study
Lesson 18: What is the number one rule when choosing any Muhurta?
🆕 Case Study Challenge: Predict Our Trip's Outcome
Lesson 19: Travel Muhurta Step-By-Step Analysis
Jyotish Books & Articles
Understanding Amavasya Birth by Branka Larsen
Karaka Lagna – Your True Throne (Article)
The Story of the Atmakaraka (Article)
Margrethe II of Denmark (Article)
Lagna Matching (Slides)
Informal Jyotish lessons with Visti Larsen
Remedies for KSY & KAY (28:23)
Kala Sarpa Yoga (11:01)
Learn how to draw Adhana or conception chart (26:21)
Important Navamsha Tidbits (38:45)
Neechabhanga (12:54)
Understanding four types of yoga (24:22)
Varachakra and why it is a base for various other Jyotish principles (34:17)
Malefics & Trikona Bhava (47:06)
Brush-up on Rashis (17:48)
Ishta Devata, Part 1. (9:04)
Ishta Devata, Part 2. (22:32)
Naisargika Dasha (45:57)
Prenatal Abode (35:25)
Afterlife Abode (35:00)
How do you go about various aspects of the chart? (23:35)
D10 - Dasamsa Chart (45:58)
Dasamsa (D10) Chart Workbook
Dasamsa Chart - Tips for Astrologers (48:58)
Signs and Their Guna, Pada & Lordships (17:00)
Gemstone & Other Remedies (Part 1) (27:07)
Gemstone & Other Remedies (Part 2) (43:29)
Gemstone & Other Remedies (Part 3) (15:40)
Jyotisha Practise - How to make Jyotish part of your day? (17:08)
Tithi & Kalachakra (Part 1) (9:12)
Tithi & Kalachakra (Part 2) (27:57)
❓ Test your knowledge & receive feedback (Chart Example/Challenge/Quiz) ❓
Example Chart #1
Example Chart #2
Quiz: Understanding Neechabhanga
🆕 Quiz: Dasamsa Chart - Test your knowledge
Crime Mystery Case Study (Halloween Challenge)
Rashi Quiz - Test your knowledge
How to predict with the Ātmakāraka planet Intro!
Lesson 1: Determine your Ātmakāraka (AK) planet
Lesson 2: Ātmakāraka planet indicates the most important topics in life
Lesson 3: Kāraka Lagna
Lesson 4: Assessing lordships and the dispositor of the Ātmakāraka sign
Lesson 5: The next step in your learning
Test your knowledge: AK crossword
0. Pre-work + Bonus quiz
Lesson 1
Lesson 2
Lesson 3
Lesson 4
Lesson 5
Lesson 6
Lesson 7
Lesson 8: Naisargika Dasha, audio lesson (45:57)
Q&A Forum
Lesson 1: Understanding Vedic Remedies
Lesson 2: Embracing the strengths within
Lesson 3: Understanding Mantra
Lesson 4: How is mantra different from other remedies?
Lesson 5: Understanding How Mantras and Remedies Truly Work
Lesson 6: How should we understand the thoughts, doubts, and events that arise during our sadhana or mantra practice?
Q&A Forum
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Malefics & Trikona Bhava
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