Rare Jyotish Tools Bundle
Become versed in some of the rarest principles of Vedic Astrology
Without access to a teacher, the secrets and rare principles of Astrology are unavailable. You may have heard about the importance of the name, the weekday and different sphuṭa, but do you know how to interpret them?
Visti has dedicated twelve carefully chosen topics to bring this knowledge to the public sphere. He has done so relying on the classical literature, and traditional knowledge from his Guru.
This course is for students versed in the fundamentals of astrology, and wish to take their knowledge to further heights.
Through these twelve lectures you will learn:
- Rectification of the birth-time through Kunda and Nāmarāśi
- Planetary yogas through the Vāra and Guṇa Chakra
- Reading profession and its remedies through the Sun, Moon and Ascendant
- Prosperity through the Sūryāṁśa and Chandrāṁśa
- Timing marriage and its fruits through Kalatra Sphuṭa
- Fertility and childbirth through the Santana Tithi and Bija/Kṣetra Sphuta
- All about parents through the Sūrya and Chandra Yogas
- About setbacks and longevity through the Khāra bhāva and Ayur daśā
With over 40 hours of recorded lectures, Visti takes students through the principles and understanding of Traditional Vedic Astrology.
Courses Included with Purchase
Original Price: $312
Get the entire twelve lectures of Rare Jyotish Tools, covering the rarest principles of Vedic Astrology.
With over 40 hours of recorded lectures, Visti takes students through the principles and understanding of Traditional Vedic Astrology.
"One of the best vedic astrologers on Earth! I am listening to his lectures, and my knowledge and understanding of jyotish grows every day. Being so knowledgable he still remains very humble and kind which speaks a lot of his great human qualities. Thank you so much for your service"
- Iryna Chupryna, Media monitoring expert, Memo 98
"Vistiji is my guru, his approach is very systematic, clear and precise. He is extremely patient in answering our numerous queries. As an astrologer, I have witnessed him analyzing charts and it seems dazzling to say the least, yet it is based on logic, step-wise! My humble pranAms."
- Kartik Srinivasan, Novartis India Ltd.
Your Instructor
Visti is a student of Pt. Sanjay Rath and part of the Jyotish tradition of Śrī Achyutānanda Das of Kaliñga (Orissa). A tradition originating from the Pancha Sakha of Śrī Chaitanya Mahaprabhu. His study of the traditional Vedic knowledge has enabled him to further others in their study of Vedic Astrology through courses both online and in-person.
He has been a professional and practicing astrologer since 2004, and sees clients horoscopes on a daily basis. His experience enables him to portray the pitfalls and shortcuts to better horoscope analysis, which he also displays in the teachings and lessons he shares.
Visti holds the titles of Jyotiṣa Pandita and Jaimini Scholar, and is the custodian of the Mahaṛṣi Jaimini Upadeśa Sūtras.
Висти Ларсен – студент Пандита Санджайа Ратха в джйотиш традиции Ш́рӣ Ачйутāнанда Даса из Калин̃га (Орисса). Традиция, происходящая от Панча Сакха Ш́рӣ Чайтаньи Махапрабху. Его изучение традиционных ведических знаний позволило ему продолжить обучать ведической астрологии через онлайн-курсы и также лично.
Он профессиональный и практикующий астролог с 2004 года и ежедневно рассматривает гороскопы клиентов. Его опыт позволяет показать тонкости и наилучшие методы анализа гороскопа, которыми он делится на своих обучающих курсах и вебинарах.
Висти имеет титулы Джйотиш̣а Пандит и Знаток Джаймини и также хранителем знаний Махар̣ш̣и Джаймини Упадеш́а Сӯтр.