Diabetes, a study of pancreatic (1) & insulin resistant (2) diabetes
Diagnose 'prameha' or diabetes in the chart and discern between the two types as well as understand the remedies for them
Diabetes Type 1 & Type 2 is a two part video lecture recorded by Visti Larsen on the topics of (1) Madhumeha, and (2) Madhumeha (type 2).
Both topics cover identification of the disease, causes as well as remedies for the same.
The subject has been dealt with elaborately in the Lecture-section, and auxiliary videos or written material has been shared in the More-section.
Your Instructor
Visti is a student of Pt. Sanjay Rath and part of the Jyotish tradition of Śrī Achyutānanda Das of Kaliñga (Orissa). A tradition originating from the Pancha Sakha of Śrī Chaitanya Mahaprabhu. His study of the traditional Vedic knowledge has enabled him to further others in their study of Vedic Astrology through courses both online and in-person.
He has been a professional and practicing astrologer since 2004, and sees clients horoscopes on a daily basis. His experience enables him to portray the pitfalls and shortcuts to better horoscope analysis, which he also displays in the teachings and lessons he shares.
Visti holds the titles of Jyotiṣa Pandita and Jaimini Scholar, and is the custodian of the Mahaṛṣi Jaimini Upadeśa Sūtras.
Висти Ларсен – студент Пандита Санджайа Ратха в джйотиш традиции Ш́рӣ Ачйутāнанда Даса из Калин̃га (Орисса). Традиция, происходящая от Панча Сакха Ш́рӣ Чайтаньи Махапрабху. Его изучение традиционных ведических знаний позволило ему продолжить обучать ведической астрологии через онлайн-курсы и также лично.
Он профессиональный и практикующий астролог с 2004 года и ежедневно рассматривает гороскопы клиентов. Его опыт позволяет показать тонкости и наилучшие методы анализа гороскопа, которыми он делится на своих обучающих курсах и вебинарах.
Висти имеет титулы Джйотиш̣а Пандит и Знаток Джаймини и также хранителем знаний Махар̣ш̣и Джаймини Упадеш́а Сӯтр.